Privacy Policy

1. General Provisions

This privacy policy is designed to inform users about how we process personal data when we discover buying / selling services for the User and on behalf of the User of electronic and / or digital or fiat currency.

1.1. Data Controller Information

Company: Fidenity Limited
Address: Bumpulinas, 1, 3rd floor, office 31, 1060, Nicosia, Cyprus

The website's privacy policy describes how Fidenity Limited (hereinafter referred to as the Company, Data Controller) collects and offers your personal data using the website.

The use of unique access to the Website Privacy Policy implements its publication on the website at.

1.2. Terms and definitions used

Cookies are a piece of data as part of an HTTPS request, designed to store Subject objects at the output and used by the Controller to identify the Subject.

Site - a set of programs for electronic computers and information in the information and telecommunications network "Internet", intended for display and available for use using the domain name of the Controller. The site is used in the work of the Controller.

Registration data - a list observed by the Controller, notifying about registration on the site, and in the future when they are used in the process of executing the contract.

Consent to the transfer of data is a voluntary, specific, informative and unambiguous declaration of intent, in which the data subject, by means of a statement or a clear definition of the action, consents to the processing of his data on the transfer of data.

A data controller is any natural or legal person, public authority, institution or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing natural resources.

Processor is a natural or legal person, public authority, institution or other body that offers personal data on behalf of and on behalf of the controller.

Data subject – a natural person who can directly influence the processing of data.

Personal data is any information that is revealed to the data subject, i.e. an identified or identifiable alleged person.

A natural resource security breach is a breach of security leading to accidental or sudden contamination, loss, contamination, unauthorized disclosure of, or unauthorized access to, transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed contamination data.